Sunday, May 9, 2010

Eva's paintings in the Three Viewpoints exhibit in Santa Barbara

Eva Slater was in this "Three Viewpoints" exhibit with Harry Carmean and daughter Miriam Slater in Santa Barbara. All three artists work in completely different styles, Eva works in the Hard-edge manner, Miriam in a Japanese style and Harry works in a classic European style, however the underlying aesthetic principles used by these artists is the same and so there are just as many similarities as there are differences.

Panamint Shoshone basketry book by Eva Slater

Not only was Eva Slater an accomplished artist, she was also a scholar, writer and avid collector of American American basketry. In the seventies and eighties she put together a beautiful collection of baskets (that was later donated to museums) and wrote a well received book on basketry titled Panamint Shoshone basketry. The book is available at the Poetic Eye Gallery online. Slater also wrote for Sotheby's Auction House as well as other publications and was highly regarded in the field.