Monday, January 18, 2010

Artist's statement


By Eva Slater

When painting I like to make visible, through the use of color and form, an idea, rather than to show objects with the aim of achieving literal likeness.

The wish to work this way is based not only on the observation that different subject-matters are in vogue in different countries at different times but also on the belief that color and form talk more strongly if the eye is not distracted by overwhelming subject matter.

My strong urge to break down the picture area into small geometrical forms originated in the concept that everything consists of tiny cells or particles and that differences among all animate and inanimate objects are not based on differences in cells but rather on the way they are put together.

Just as nature arranges tiny cells in unending variety I like to use triangles (as a symbol for cells) and explore unlimited possibilities.

It is my aim to show ideas all people have in common rather than to point out the differences. I like to think of art as a force to unify, to let people meet in a common understanding, to find a common base to build on.

Maybe our form of painting has to be spiritual (reflecting the mind) to balance the over-materialism of our time. Or is just that, living with too many fashionable things around us, it would be meaningless to look at more things on the wall?

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